Simply put, I've found Twitter to be a nice site for receiving insight porn food for thought, replenishing my motivation supply, tracking general events and patterns of thought in people-I-aspire-to-be-like's lives and their communities, and at times sharing one-off semi-interesting thoughts that don't really deserve to be posted anywhere else.
b-but isn't social media evil?
My experience has been pretty much the reverse of what people usually say about Twitter; I'm predicting it's because people are not so good at curating their own feed and unfollowing/disengaging from what pointlessly hurts them and throws them into an "outrage" state, are not aware of it, and blame it on the platform instead of their own faults. But what do I know - I may be now caught in a trap of the "algorithms" and enjoying it; anyhow, I have not noticed any signs of addiction or other things typically said to be caused by social media usage.
photo gallery
Here are some photos taken by me. Click on the image to see full size.